Did Your Nest Egg Gain from the Coronavirus Crash?

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Market Bottom Appears Enduring

The March 6 market bottom appears enduring.

  • The credit market is easing; corporations have raised nearly $225 billion in debt during the first two months of 2009.
  • Money supply is soaring at a 15.3% annual rate and cash should soon find its way to the stock market.
  • Technical indicators like MACD and RSI on major indexes are demonstrating bullish positive divergences with momentum bottom recorded in Oct. 2008 and price bottom in Mar. 2009.

The AlphaProfit sector model portfolios will be repositioned on Tuesday, March 31 to capture emerging opportunities in a bottoming market while reducing risk.


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The AlphaProfit Sector Newsletter’s Stock Searchlight feature is enabling several subscribers to earn spectacular returns from individual stocks with little effort, month after month. Here are some examples of recent recommendations and their results:

New ETF Recommendations

The AlphaProfit ETF style rotation model portfolio will be reconstituted with new recommendations on Wednesday, February 19. Learn more about AlphaProfit's Free and Premium Service investment newsletters.

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